4 Facts About Samurai That Will Surprise You

Samurai were legendary warriors of Feudal Japan, renowned for their bravery, martial expertise, and adherence to an unwritten code of conduct known as bushido. Continue reading to find out more about them and discover facts that will surely surprise you.

Samurai Used Guns

Katana swords are almost synonymous with samurai. However, samurai also used other weapons in combat, including guns. As a matter of fact, guns became so popular among samurai that the rules ended up banning them in the 17th century.

Samurai Were Considered Nobility

Samurai had a special place in the Japanese social system. They worked for feudal lords and were considered nobility, enjoying all sorts of special privileges. Also, samurai were usually educated and were tasked with various other responsibilities besides combat. A lot of them also wrote poetry and created art.

Female Samurai Were Common

A lot of people believe that all samurai were men. However, female samurai were common in Feudal Japan. Known as Onna-musha, they were highly trained warriors and fought in battles alongside samurai men. They also had a special role in Japanese culture.

Foreigners Could Become Samurai

It was possible for foreigners to become samurai. Only a shogun (military leader) could give a foreigner the title of samurai, and several Europeans received this honor. There is historical evidence of four such cases, although the number of foreigners in samurai ranks was probably a lot higher.

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