5 Quick Facts About Christ the Redeemer

Built in 1931 as a way to celebrate Brazilian faith and tradition, the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, now stands as one of the most famous structures in the world. If you want to learn more about this iconic landmark, check out these quick facts.

The Original Design Was Significantly Different

The original design of Christ the Redeemer saw the statue holding a globe in one hand and a cross in the other hand. However, after some deliberation, it was decided that the better option was to show Jesus Christ with open arms.

Christ the Redeemer Was an International Collaboration

The statue was designed by French-Polish sculptor Paul Landowski, while Brazilian engineer Heitor da Silva Costa and French engineer Albert Caquot carried out the construction. Finally, Romanian sculptor Gheorghe Leonida sculpted the face.

It is a Magnet for Lightning

Due to its positioning at the top of Corcovado mountain, Christ the Redeemer statue is a magnet for lightning. It is regularly struck by lightning and was severely damaged in some previous instances.

The Statue is Changing Color

Originally, the statue was made out of pale stone from a quarry in the city of Ouro Preto. But there is no more stone available in sufficient quantity, prompting the restorers to use different stones to repair the damage on the statue. This caused the statue to change its color to a darker hue.

Christ the Redeemer is a Wonder of the World

Christ the Redeemer was voted as one of the New 7 Wonders of the World. It is the most recent monument on the list and the only one dated post-17th century.

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