5 Quick Facts About the Leaning Tower of Pisa

The Leaning Tower of Pisa in Pisa, Italy, is one of the most remarkable landmarks in the world. But did you know that it wasn’t supposed to lean when it was first made? Continue reading to learn more about this and find out more facts about this fascinating tower.

The Tower of Pisa is Leaning Due to Soft Ground, It Was Built On

From the very start of the construction of the tower in the 12th century, it became clear that the soft ground of the area couldn’t properly support the weight of the construction. After being completed in the 14th century, the tower was already leaned, and the issue worsened in the following centuries. But thanks to efforts in the 1990s and 2000s, the tower was significantly stabilized.

Construction Was Delayed Several Times Due to Conflicts

The construction of the tower started in 1173, but the various conflicts that the Republic of Pisa engaged in the ensuing decades significantly slowed down its completion. The construction took place in three major phases and concluded 199 years later with the addition of the bell chamber in 1372.

The Tower of Pisa is Also Curved

If you look closely, you will notice that the Tower of Pisa is also curved. This was a result of attempts to correct the leaning in the early days of its construction.

Tower of Pisa Survived Several Earthquakes

You would expect that leaning constructions are not particularly resistant when it comes to seismic events. However, the Tower of Pisa managed to survive several earthquakes and emerge unscathed. This is thanks to the same soft ground that causes its leaning.

It is Expected to Continue Leaning in 200 Years

The previously mentioned stabilizing efforts managed to straighten out the tower and prevent further leaning. However, experts predict that it will start leaning again in 200 years, at which point another intervention will be necessary.

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