Showstopping Facts About Michael Jackson

Known worldwide as the King of Pop, Michael Jackson was one of the critical figures who shaped music during the 20th century. A celebrated yet controversial figure, here are some of the most intriguing facts about the life and career of Michael Jackson.

Completing the Puzzle

Before his own career began, Jackson’s four older brothers decided to start a band, simply calling themselves the Jackson Brothers. At six years old, he was playing the congas and tambourine in their backup band. Once Jackson proved to his family how well he could sing, he joined the group, which then rebranded as The Jackson 5.

Tough Start

Upon deciding to pursue a solo career, things initially didn’t all go according to plan for Jackson. Aside from music, he also tried to launch a film career, being cast as the scarecrow in the film The Wiz. Sadly, the movie flopped, meaning that Jackson wouldn’t enjoy the breakthrough he had hoped for.

On The Ropes

While the world celebrated the release of Jackson’s “Thriller” music video, not everyone was charmed. A staunch Jehova’s Witness, Jackson would soon be threatened by the church, which claimed that the video promoted demonology. Desperate for the church not to cast him out, Jackson reached an agreement with them—he added a disclaimer to the video to say that it did not represent his beliefs. The rest, as they say, is history.

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