Lisa L

Lisa has been writing for several years now but only recently decided to turn the hobby into a profession. She loves food, eating, cooking, and traveling around the world to find delicious cuisine.

These Unique Pictures Depict Our Beautiful History

Monumental men, women, and children have created an infinite amount of remarkable moments. Unfortunately, memories of these people and what they did are confined. Tales of their extraordinary personalities and feats are often limited to the bigger moments, while other astounding things are often overlooked.

Best Superbowls in History, Ranked

The Super Bowl has a half a century history with some of the Super Bowls being the most boring thing you have ever witnessed and some being the best thing you have seen in your life.

20 of the Most Epic Wrestling Family Dynasties to Ever Grace the Squared Circle

Fred FosterFebruary 8, 2022 In the wrestling industry, it is not surprising to see second, third, and even fourth-generation wrestlers follow in their family's footsteps....

30 Sports Rivalries That Turned Violent Through History

Sports can sometimes be a matter of life and death, and in many parts of the world, sports can be bigger and more important than religious institutions. Even in deeply religious areas like South America, football is treated as equally important, especially around the time of the World Cup. Certainly, this was the case for Andres Escobar, a Colombian defender who played for Atletico Nacional and the Colombian national team from the late 80s.

These Photos Show the Real Vietnam War

The Vietnam War went on for 20 years, between 1955 and 1975, and was hugely controversial. It can even be said that it was one of the bloodiest wars in the history of wars the U.S. fought in. While the total number of deaths has never been fully confirmed, it’s estimated that somewhere between 2.5 and 3.5 million people died, soldiers and civilians alike. Out of those deaths, 60,000 were Americans.

20 of the Most Epic Wrestling Family Dynasties to Ever Grace the Squared Circle

Members: “Iron” Mike, Ted, Ted Jr., Mike, Brett