Facts About the History of New York City You Probably Didn’t Know

Commonly known as the city that never sleeps, New York City certainly is a sight to behold. Still, there’s more to this bustling city than its vibrant modern atmosphere. Here are some intriguing facts about New York City that you probably haven’t heard about.

Tracing Your Roots

The United States is a nation of immigrants. As such, it comes as no surprise that New York has welcomed its fair share of new arrivals. It is fairly well known that between 1889 and 1926, Ellis Island welcomed an enormous influx of immigrants—16 million to be precise. What many people don’t realize is that around 30% of Americans today can trace at least one ancestor to Ellis Island.

Giving Thanks

While the Statue of Liberty is viewed as a great American symbol, its origins are actually French. In 1885, France gifted the Statue of Liberty to the United States to celebrate the nation’s 100 years of independence. Interestingly, the American Revolution inspired the French Revolution, thereby nurturing the bond between the two nations.

Recycling Goals

Due to its enormous population, it makes sense that New York City produces an enormous amount of trash. Unfortunately, because of producing 12 million tons of trash annually, being able to dispose of this garbage can prove challenging. To dispose of trash, the city uses enough trucks to form a nine-mile-long train, with some trash being transported as far as China or India.

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