These YouTube Channels Make Learning History Fun

Are you ready to go down a rabbit hole of history and fun facts? The world of YouTube has brought the past to life in ways that textbooks just can’t match. So, grab your time machines (okay, laptops), and let’s dive into some YouTube channels that make learning history not just educational but downright fun.


Hosted by the ever-enthusiastic John Green (yes, that John Green) and his brother Hank, CrashCourse is a treasure trove of knowledge. Their World History series, in particular, is like sitting down for a coffee with a friend who happens to know everything about the rise and fall of empires, the intricate dance of cultures, and the heroes and villains who shaped our world. It’s fast-paced, witty, and packed with memorable animations.


Ever wished history could be, well, simpler? Oversimplified is the answer. This channel takes complex historical events and, you guessed it, oversimplifies them. The result is digestible, hilariously animated stories that you’ll want to watch over and over. 

Extra Credits

What sets Extra Credits apart is their storytelling approach, bringing to light lesser-known events and figures that have nonetheless had a profound impact on the world. Their narratives are engaging, detailed, and often highlight the human element behind historical milestones.

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