4 Facts About Ninjas That Will Surprise You

During feudal Japan, ninjas were skillful spies and mercenaries who were known for their stealth tactics and ability to perform assassinations and sabotage with a great degree of success. You probably already know a lot about ninjas thanks to the fact that they are today a staple of pop culture, but the following facts might still surprise you.

Ninjas Didn’t Wear Uniforms or Carried Long Swords 

Ninjas are usually portrayed dressed in black uniforms with masks on their faces and a long sword on their hip. But this is inaccurate based on historical records. Ninjas were all about blending in with the masses and their surroundings so they wore what was best for that and used small weapons that could be easily concealed.

Ninjas Often Collaborated With Samurai

Samurai were not fond of the ninjas because they deemed their tactics dishonorable. Also, ninjas were usually from the lower class while samurai were members of the upper class. Still, this didn’t stop samurai from hiring ninjas for various tasks that they deemed below their dignity.

Ninjas Were Careful About What They Eat

Ninjas paid a lot of attention to the food they ate, but it was more due to practicality than health. They avoided any food that had a strong odor in fear that their enemies might smell it and discover their position.

Female Ninjas Were More Dangerous and Efficient

Female ninjas were considered much more dangerous and efficient compared to their male counterparts. Enemies didn’t expect a woman to be a ninja, so female ninjas had an added element of surprise working to their advantage.

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