5 Facts About Egyptian Mummies You Probably Didn’t Know Before

Ancient Egyptians viewed the human body as a vessel for their soul and spirit. They believed that if the body was destroyed, the soul and spirit might be lost. This is why they mummified their dead in order to ensure they have a pleasant afterlife. If you want to learn more about Egyptian mummies, continue reading to check out some facts that you probably didn’t know before.

The Mummification Process Took 70 Days

Mummification included removing organs, draining moisture from the body, and wrapping it around with linen. This is why it usually took around 70 days for the process to be completed.

Mummification Was a Privilege for Everyone

In Ancient Egypt, anyone could have their body mummified after death. The rich would go through an elaborate embalming process and have tombs built for them. The poor would be buried in the desert, where the sand and heat would result in natural mummification.

Animals Were Mummified as Well

Ancient Egyptians often mummified animals as well. In some cases, they were most likely a pet of the deceased, and in others, they were offerings to gods.

Egyptian Mummies Had All Organs Removed Except Heart

Ancient Egyptians believed the human heart contains all its being, emotions, and intelligence. This is why it was the only organ left in place during the mummification process while all the rest were removed.

Ancient Egyptians Weren’t the Only Ones to Mummify Their Dead

While Ancient Egyptian mummies are the most famous ones, other civilizations have resorted to mummifying their dead as well. This includes Incas, Indigenous Australians, and Aztecs. 

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