5 Quick Facts About the Colosseum

Despite being built almost 2,000 years ago, the Colosseum is still the largest amphitheater in the world. Once used for famous gladiator fights, the Colosseum in Rome, Italy, is now visited each year by millions of people who come to enjoy its breathtaking architecture and rich history. If you want to learn more about this fascinating landmark, check out these quick facts below.

The Colosseum Was Constructed on the Top of an Artificial Lake

Emperor Vespasian ordered the construction of the Colosseum in 72 AD on the site that contained an artificial lake previously created by Emperor Nero as part of his grandiose Domus Aurea complex. The lake was drained and filled to use as a site for the amphitheater, while the rest of the complex was turned into gladiatorial schools and other buildings.

The Colosseum Originally Had a Different Name

The Colosseum didn’t always have that name. It was originally known as Flavian Amphitheatre, named after Emperor Vespasian’s Flavian dynasty. It was only centuries later that historians started referring to the amphitheater under its current name.

Colosseum Could Seat 80,000 People

The Colosseum’s capacity changed at various points throughout history. However, according to historical data and estimations, at one point, the amphitheater could seat up to 80,000 people.

The Colosseum Was Once Covered in Marble

When it was first built, the Colosseum featured an impressive marble facade. However, during the medieval ages, the marble was stripped down and used for other construction projects.

Colosseum Survived Many Disasters

It is impressive that the Colosseum still stands today, considering how many disasters it survived. Besides having its materials stripped down by Romans, it also survived two massive earthquakes, in 442 AD and 1349, while also being damaged by other natural disasters and fires.

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