5 Quick Facts About the Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty is one of the most recognizable landmarks in the United States. It is appreciated because of its awe-inspiring design and its status as a symbol of freedom and history. Continue reading to learn some facts about this monumental landmark that will make you appreciate it even more.

The Statue of Liberty Was Originally Conceived as a Lighthouse in Egypt

The Statue of Liberty’s maker, French sculptor Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi, initially wanted to build a lighthouse of similar design in Egypt to commemorate the construction of the Suez Canal. However, that project didn’t come to fruition due to high costs, and Bartholdi pivoted to reinventing it as a statue that the people of France would gift to the United States.

Statue of Liberty Wasn’t Always Green

When it was originally brought to the United States in 1886, the Statue of Liberty was brown. However, its copper coating oxidized in the following decades and gave it its signature green color.

Statue of Liberty’s Pedestal Was Financed Through Crowdfunding

While France financed the statue, it was up to the United States to build it a pedestal. This turned out to be challenging, as neither President Grover Cleveland nor Congress wanted to allocate the funds towards it. Eventually, New York congressman Joseph Pulitzer organized a successful crowdfunding campaign to make sure the Statue of Liberty ended in New York City.

Statue of Liberty’s Crown Has a Special Meaning

You might have noticed that the Statue of Liberty’s crown has seven spikes. This wasn’t by accident, as they represent seven continents of the world while also serving as the light that extends out to the world.

The Statue of Liberty is a Magnet for Lightning

The copper coating didn’t just turn the Statue of Liberty green, but it also made it a lightning magnet. On average, the Statue of Liberty is struck by 600 lightings each year.

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