Gabby A

Growing up in Los Angeles, Gabby thrives in bustling cities, especially ones right near the beach. She appreciates art in all forms, both making it and observing it. You can often find her reading a good book, people-watching, and eating yummy food—always with a coffee in hand.

The Disturbing Disappearance of Natalee Holloway and the New Information That Reopened the Case 18 Years Later

Graduating high school is a huge accomplishment for any teen. After four years of hard work, every student looks forward to celebrating their achievements...

Missing Woman Declared Dead Returns 11 Years Later

While we pride ourselves on our relationships and the ability to connect with the people around us, often those we thought we knew best...

50+ Impressive American Facts Every True Patriot Should Knows

As one of the biggest countries on the planet, both in size and in influence, there are endless things to know about the rich...

36+ Infamous Historical Figures Reimagined With AI

The history of the world is marked by important figures who changed the context around them. While we’re fortunate to have artistic representations, such...